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Celebration of the 46th Anniversary of Angola's Independence
- First Artistic and Charitable Gala -
December 15th, 2021
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Welcome & safety moment by the Master of Ceremonies Gil Inglês.

Not surprisingly, the Houston-Luanda Sister City Association (HLSCA) Artistic Fund-Raising Gala celebrating 46 years of Angolan independence was a rousing success.  Just before Christmas, the more than 100 guests enjoyed HLSCA hospitality at the Junior League, sitting down to a beautifully served and scrumptious dinner, all the while bidding on the 15 pieces of original art available for sale by silent auction.  The other opportunity was a lottery providing a vacation for two at the Carpe Diem resort in Quicama National Park, just 70 kilometers from Luanda.  The winner was Lisete Neto, executive director of Management to Learn.  Each guest also received a bookmark featuring the “Seven Natural Wonders of Angola.”

Manuel Ventura, the featured artist, joined us for the gala.  It was his first trip to the United States and he was mightily impressed.  Manuel kept a written record of his trip and is full of praise about the event, continuing to keep in touch with HLSCA, he says, “like a good ambassador.”  Both he and HLSCA hope that in the not-too-distant future the tables will turn and a Houston artist will be featured in a similar event in Luanda. Also, approximately 400 art books and other related material donated to HLSCA by various Houston institutions are now in the ELA Espaço Art gallery in Luanda, available for use by the general public.

Another highlight of the evening was the show presented by fashion designer Nadir Tati featuring traditional styles from Angolan provinces.  She also joined us in person. The evening ended with a musical performance by Angolan singer and Houston resident Solange Katumbela.  Also deserving kudos in Gill Ingles, who served as master of ceremonies.

Speakers throughout the evening included Ana Paula do Nascimento, consul general of Angola in Houston, followed by remarks by the primary honored guest, Clay Neff, president of Chevron North America, Africa and Middle East.  (Chevron is one of the companies who is a founding member of HLSCA.) Among the other distinguished guests were Al Green, who represents the 9th District in the Texas state legislature;  António da Silva,  president of the International Investment Agency of Angola (AIPIEX);, members of the Consular Corps of Houston and others in the office of the mayor, specifically the Department of Commerce and International Exchange (MOTIA); Manuel Delgado, commercial officer of the Angolan embassy in Washington, D.C.; plus members of the Special Economic Zone Leadership Team (ZEE) of Chevron SOMOIL, and Public Television of Angola (TPA).   Board members of seven of the other Sister Cities of Houston were also sent representatives at the event.  Their attendance made it “feel like we are more like part of a family,” said Fatima Benge, HLSCA president.


Ms. Benge also encouraged interested individuals, especially those who are a part of the Angolan diaspora, to become members of of the Houston-Luanda Sister City Association.  “We need your support,” she said, “especially as we expand our outreach.  Besides. what we do in 2022 is what will make the gala next December even more impressive than the one in 2021!”

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